What is Freedom of Information?
In accordance with Public Information Access Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 51/06 – official consolidated text, 117/06 – ZDavP-2, 23/14 , 50/14 , 19/15 – odl. US, 102/15, 7/18 and 141/22, hereinafter: ZDIJZ) public information (hereinafter: FoI) is information originating from the field of work of the body and occurring in the form of a document, a case, a dossier, a register, a record or other documentary material (hereinafter: the document) drawn up by the body, by the body in cooperation with another body, or acquired from other persons.
Bodies stated in Par 1 Art 1 ZDIJZ must decide on the FoI request within 20 working days from the receipt of the request. That time limit can be prolonged for additional 30 working days in justified cases.
Re-use of public information is the use of information by natural or legal persons for commercial or non-commercial purposes other than the initial purpose of the public task for which the documents were produced.
How can I make a FoI Request or a Request for re-use of FoI?
You should send a request either by email or in writing at the address:
Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia
(Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za zdravila in medicinske pripomočke)
Slovenčeva ulica 22
1000 Ljubljana
FoI request should include the following:
- indication of the body you are sending the request to,
- personal name, the company name or the name of the legal person,
- information regarding the representative or authorised representative and the address of the applicant, or the address of his/her representative or authorised representative,
- as much information as possible about the records being sought and
- the manner in which he/she wishes to access the content of the requested information (inspection, transcript, photocopy, electronic format).
We advise you apply with the application.
Request to re-use FoI should include the following:
- indication of the body you are sending the request to,
- personal name, the company name or the name of the legal person,
- information regarding the representative or authorised representative and the address of the applicant, or the address of your representative or authorised representative,
- the information you wish to re-use,
- the manner in which you wish to obtain the contents of the requested information (conventional or electronical format and usually also the form and medium),
- the intended purpose of re-use of information.
We advise you apply with the application.
Can I get access to any information that I seek?
You can get access to all requested information unless the information presents one of the exceptions from Art 6 of PIA. Among the key exemptions are documents relating to:
- personal information,
- confidential and commercially sensitive information,
- information acquired or compiled for the purposes of administrative, judicial and other proceedings,
- information from the document compiled in connection with internal operations or activities of bodies.
If a document or its part contains only a part of the information that present an exception, an authorised person of the body shall exclude such information from the document and refer the contents or enable you to re-use the rest of the document.
Is there a charge for getting information under the PIA?
Request for FoI or re-use of FoI is free of charge.
The body can charge only with the material costs of transmission of a transcript, photocopy or electronic record of the requested information when the expenses exceed 20 EUR (including VAT). Costs are defined in Art 17 of Decree on the provision and re-use of public information (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 24/16 and 146/22).
In case of re-use of FoI, the body can charge costs according to Art 34.a of PIA.
What if I am not satisfied with the decision on my FoI request?
If you deem that the information with which you got access to is not the public information that you had indicated in your request, you may request the body to allow you to access the public information you had indicated in your request. The body shall decide on the request referred to in the without delay, but no later than within three working days.
You may file an appeal against the decision with which the body denied access to FoI, or against the rejection order.
The appeal must be filed at Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenčeva ulica 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, and is tax free.
Appeal body according to PIA is Information Commissioner of Republic of Slovenia.
Where can I get more information on FoI?
Further information on FoI is available at Information Commissioner webpage or you can call upon the one of the officials responsible for the transmission of public information at Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia, via tel. +386 8 2000 500 or email :
Katja Plazovnik, MSc.