Import/entry and export/exit of human cells and tissues in emergency cases

In emergency cases, JAZMP issues authorisations for the import or export of human cells and tissues and their entry and exit  on the proposal of Slovenija Transplant.

Responsibilities or tasks of JAZMP in the area of tissue and cell procurement

  • Special authorisation for import or export of human cells and tissues and their entry and exit is issued no later than within 30 days of receipt of a complete application.

National legislation

Act Governing the Quality and Safety of Human Tissues and Cells Used in Medical Treatment (Official gazette of RS No 61/07 and 56/15 – ZPPDČT).Rules on the conditions and procedure for import or export and  entry or exit of human tissues and cells (Official gazette of RS, No 47/18).

Directions on how to obtain the licence

Obtaining a licence to pursue the activities of tissue and cell procurement:

Articles 5, 6 and 7 of the Rules on the conditions and procedure for import or export and  entry or exit of human tissues and cells (Official gazette of RS, No 47/18) lay down the procedure and contents of the application for obtaining a licence for import/entry and export/exit of human tissues and cells in emergency cases.

There is no prescribed form.

The application should include proof of administrative fee payment.

General e-mail address for the area of procurement of human tissues and cells for therapeutic purposes

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