Coordination and Harmonisation of the Existing Systems against Shortages of Medicines – European Network (CHESSMEN)


Short supply of medicines presents a relevant public health issue in EU which has a major impact on quality of patient care that became evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medicine shortages are related to a complex range of root causes calling for different approaches and solutions.
With the aim to support Member States at implementation of appropriate processes and measures to tackle the issue of medicine shortages a joint action CHESSMEN was prepared under the EU4health programme. Its main objective is to identify good practices in reporting, monitoring and managing shortages of medicines and based on the findings prepare a common protocol for Member States.
Based on cooperation in the joint action JAZMP will upgrade the existing knowledge with examples of good practices and harmonised solutions already in use in Member States that will contribute to development of new strategic solutions for better monitoring, reporting, managing and prevention of medicine shortages in Slovenia.


16.1.2023 – 15.1.2026


EUR 9,81 million
EC co-financing EUR 7,85 million (80%)


22 EU/EEA members 

Coordinator: AIFA (Italy)

Beneficiary partners: INFARMED (Portugal), FAMHP (Belgium), HPRA (Ireland), AEMPS (Spain), BfArM (Germany), FIMEA (Finland), JAZMP (Slovenia), SÚKL (Czech Republic), ATNA (Austria), NNGYK (Hungary), DKMA (Denmark), ANSM (France), HALMED (Croatia), NoMA (Norway), ESSC (Lithuania), MPA (Sweden), MOH (Romania), MOH CY-PHS (Cyprus), Ministry VWS (Netherlands), DPM (Luxembourg), SAM (Estonia), ISS (Italy), AGES (Austria), GÖG (Austria), PEI (Germany), NAMMDR (Romania).


JAZMP will act as a leader of Work Package 6: Identification of best practices to address medicines shortages and try to identify best practices to support the process of monitoring, reporting and managing medicine shortages. Based on this information JAZMP will prepare a common protocol to mitigate shortages in the Member States.

Website: CHESSMEN 

Detailed information are available on the following LEAFLET

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor HaDEA can be held responsible for them.

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