Reinforced market surveillance of medical devices and in-vitro medical devices (JAMS 2.0)
JAMS 2.0 aims to reinforce the market surveillance of medical devices (MD) and in-vitro medical devices (IVD) in EU/EEA Member States and to ensure the continuous improvement of collaboration, be it through joint inspections, signal detection operations or harmonised market surveillance campaigns. The objective is also to create training tools and facilitate the sharing of information between competent authorities (CAs). This project is divided into 4 technical work packages (WP) covering different aspects of market surveillance. Each WP provides opportunities under which information, best practices, knowledge and resources are shared among CAs for medical devices and in-vitro medical devices. WP5 (Signal detection) works towards supporting exchanges of market surveillance information between CAs by harnessing data collected across the market. WP6 (Inspection) seeks to establish current practices and supports the development of inspection methods through the experience of joint inspections performed by a team of inspectors from different Member States. Activities will promote the cooperation of inspectors and enforce the harmonisation of inspections at EU level. Likewise, WP7 aims to establish common procedures to conduct market surveillance campaigns, prompting collaboration between CAs. WP8 (MD/IVD University) aims to create training tools to develop skills uniformly and increase technical knowledge of the MD/IVD Regulations across the CA network and beyond. These activities are supported by 4 cross-cutting work packages (Coordination, Dissemination, Evaluation and Sustainability) to warrant the successful implementation of the action and its outcomes in the long term. Parallel to the ongoing implementation of MD/IVD Regulations, the actions carried out will lay the groundwork to increased dialogue and facilitate future coordination and collaboration between CAs through the adoption of aligned and consistent work methods. By strengthening coordination, the project will help to increase the safety of medical devices and therefore, contribute effectively to public health protection, by ensuring that medical devices available on the market are safe, perform as intended and remain compliant with the regulations in place.
1.11.2023 – 31.10.2026
EUR 4.84 million
EC co-financing EUR 3.87 million (80%)
25 partners from 24 EU/EEA member states
Coordinator: ANSM (France)
Beneficiary partners:
FAMHP (Belgium), AGES (Austria), INFARMED (Portugal), CIPH (Croatia), CYMDA (Cyprus), SÚKL (Czech Republic), DKMA (Denmark), TERVISEAMET (Estonia), BfArM (Germany), FIMEA (Finland), EOF (Greece), LYFJASTOFNUN (Iceland), AEMPS (Spain), NNGYK (Hungary), HPRA (Ireland), MINSAL (Italy), MMA (Malta), NoMA (Norway), MPA (Sweden), NAMMDR (Romania), JAZMP (Slovenia), URPLWMIPB (Poland), IGJ (Netherlands), FCSAI (Spain)
JAZMP acts as a leader of Work Package 4 – Sustainability that ensures sustainability of project’s deliverables and participates in Work Package 5 – Signal detection in the area of medical device vigilance and in Work Package 6 – Inspections.
Webpage: JAMS 2.0
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor HaDEA can be held responsible for them.