Illicit drugs

Illicit drugs are plants or substances of natural or artificial origin which have psychotropic effects and may affect physical or mental health or put peopleā€™s social circumstances at risk. They are classified into three groups according to the severity of the human health risk that their use presents and according to their medical use.

Group I: plants and substances posing a severe risk to human health due to the serious consequences their abuse may cause and which are not used in medicine.

Group II: plants and substances posing a severe risk due to the serious consequences their abuse may cause and which can be used in medicine.

Group III: plants and substances posing a medium risk due to the consequences their abuse may cause and which can be used in medicine.

The production, traffic, and possession of illicit drugs from group I may only be performed for scientific research and educational purposes.

Illicit drugs from groups II and III may be produced, trafficked, and possessed for medical, veterinarian, educational, and scientific research purposes.

The tasks and responsibilities of JAZMP in the field of illicit drugs are:

  • Issuing of licences for the traffic (export/import authorisations) of illicit drugs from groups II and III
  • Preparation of statistical reports on the production, traffic and use of illicit drugs from groups II and III
  • Official sealing of illicit drug record books
  • Inspection of the implementation of the Production of and Trade in Illicit Drugs Act as regards illicit drugs from groups II and III.
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