JAZMP posreduje informacijo in prošnjo za sodelovanje v anketi na temo snovi človeškega izvora ( SoHO), v povezavi z novo uredbo o snoveh človeškega izvora ( Uredba o standardih kakovosti in varnosti za snovi človeškega izvora, namenjene za uporabo na ljudeh), ki se bo začela uporabljati v letu 2027.
Evropski parlament je 24.4.2024 sprejel novo Uredbo o standardih kakovosti in varnosti za snovi človeškega izvora, namenjene za uporabo na ljudeh. Svet bo zdaj uradno sprejel novo uredbo, ki bo nato objavljena v Uradnem listu EU. Uporabljal se bo od sredine leta 2027, 3 leta po objavi in začetku veljavnosti, z dodatnim letom za nekatere določbe.
Več informacij je dostopnih na povezavi https://health.ec.europa.eu/blood-tissues-cells-and-organs/overview/new-eu-rules-substances-human-origin_en.
Anketa bo dostopna do 21.6.2024.
Prilagamo originalno sporočilo v angleščini s povezavami in navodili.
The European Commission (DG SANTE) has signed a contract with NTT Data (HADEA/2022/OP/0024) to manage the SoHO Guidance and Recommendations project (ReaderSHip project).
As part of these activities, NTT team has finalised a survey targeted at professionals using SoHO in hospital settings at both management and operational/clinical levels.
The results from this survey will support the definition of recommendations and guidance to facilitate the hospital’s compliance with the new Regulation on standards of quality and safety for substances of human origin intended for human application, which was proposed in 2022 and will come into force by 2027.
This survey has now been distributed to tissue and blood establishments EU-wide, through the European professional societies, and through the contacts in the European compendium of tissue establishments (coding platform). You therefore also might want to disseminate the survey further to hospitals, blood and tissue establishments within your country.
The link to the survey can be found on https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/ReaderSHip along with the corresponding QR code (below). The survey will be open for submissions until the 21st June 2024.
We greatly appreciate your support in disseminating the survey among your network of professionals.